I Ciliegi del Conte

I Ciliegi del Conte

I Ciliegi del Conte

I Ciliegi del Conte

About US.

A Family story.

I Ciliegi del Conte borns from several love stories.

A love between two people, who decided to realize a dream starting from zero in a land that became their home. They saw the bricks laying on a steep land, and then they picked up the tools for completing the project by themselves. A love for Valtellina, a magic place which offers a good and quiet Life far from a world that is sometimes too frenetic. I ciliegi was thought for offering the Guests an immersive experience into the golden larch, the warmth of wood and the stunning beauty of snowy ski slopes. It also comes from passion for hystory and the traditions of a long and narrow valley, which are handed down within the walls of ancient stone houses, where breeders, farmers and traders once lived. A place where stories of witches and battles are still told today.

"For not wasting time, the earl Luigi Torelli was looking for the most suitable means for avoiding the frequent mountain landslides […]. The 2nd of september 1861, the Council of the Province of Sondrio approved the proposal of the Governor Luigi Torelli for the building of mountain cherry nurseries, to be distributed for free to the municipalities or to private citizens Who requested to transplant."
I ciliegi del conte: Breve digressione paesaggistica su una personalità valtellinese di spicco che contribuì all'Unità d'Italia, 2011
M.C. Pini - M.T. Giudici